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Welcome our new board member, Chris Mrdutt!

Chris is a Zoning Coordinator for Portage County. Chris and his son, Mason, did their first half Marathon back in 2015. After, they were totally hooked and became fully involved with MTT during the 2019 season.

Since then, they have participated in countless 5ks, several half marathons and a full. Last year they completed their first sprint triathlon and are looking forward to their first full triathlon this coming year!


"Who knows where this journey will take Mason and I. Maybe someday I'll be foolish enough to attempt the Iron Man - WI with him.

Jen, Mason, JJ, and I really enjoy what MTT has brought not only for Mason but our whole family. As a Board Member I look forward to brainstorming ways to increase inclusion in our communities."

-Chris Mrdutt


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